Azerbaijan – The Land of Fire

from Iftikhar Shabanov

“The personal project started out as an idea – why not travel around Azerbaijan for a month and create a video showing how beautiful the country is. A major improvement to the idea came with a thought of using a drone for aerial footage and using camera angles no one used there before. But the sheer size of the task was only realised during research of places to film: there were so many of them, each one presenting its own challenge, and just one month was simply not enough to cover them all. So I decided to concentrate on fewer places and more footage. Well, the weather didn’t agree with much I attempted over the month. Logistical issues didn’t help either. Still, 30 days, 3000+ km of driving (on and off-road), 100+ km of flying, 7+ hours of footage, 160+ hours editing – all resulted in this 4 minute video, showing highlights of just a few of the places I did manage to film in Azerbaijan.”


Really Slow Motion

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