“Fresh from the net” is highlighting the best videos created by our amazing community every month.  We started with 100 videos, and our mission is to keep growing our library.  This month we added five new videos to

These videos have it all!  The cavalcade of a metropolis, pristine nature, sunny seashores, an interview compilation, and a brief peek into a traveler’s life.

Check out these fantabulous videos.

Moments of Puglia

from Oliver Astrologo

Oliver Astrologo paid homage to Puglia, his homeland. He takes us on a wonderful ride, showcasing all the magic that can be found in the everyday life of southern Italy. Oliver has the ability to allow us to experience the sounds and stunning scenery from a very intimate point of view, all the while we are swirling through the sunny locations:

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from Rick Mereki

You remember the epic travel video trilogy “Move, Eat, Learn”?  Probably the very first quality travel video that went viral.  An excellent example of how a simple great idea can turn into something unforgettable.  Rick Mereki, Tim White and Andrew Lees created a super precise work, in which this masterpiece was crafted from almost a terabyte of footage.  Now it is here on to be celebrated again:

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Hong Kong Strong

from Brandon Li

Brandon Li filmmaker created a breathtaking story which is unfolding in the pulsating city of Hong Kong.  Watch Brandon visit the homes of locals, showing well-known locations and traditions from a new perspective, turning serendipitous moments into a story condensed to 7 minutes.

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There and Back: Colombia

from The Whitelist Collective

Sometimes there is no need to plan a shoot from different angles, you just have to find the one to lead your video. The Whitelist Collective teamed up with Olympus to show Colombia from a new point of view, following a backpacker’s journey through some candid moments:

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India is… true love

from Nuno Beira

“A journey searching for words that can paint the Indian soul, told by those who adopted this land as part of their own.”  That’s how Nuno Beira summarized his video after he went on a mission, asking locals and fellow travellers about their feelings and thoughts associated with the magical land of India.  This interview montage doesn’t want to be more than what it is, honest personal footage pulled together by the words born from the travelers’ experiences and the rhythms of India:

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