The Quiet City: Winter in Paris

from Andrew Julian

“Claire and I recently took a trip to France, and I filmed this during our time in Paris. Until this trip, I had only ever experienced Paris in the summer and I was struck by just how different the city is when most of us tourist are gone. We were equipped with our metro and museum passes and were able to easily access most places of interest without even waiting in line. It was incredible! We were even given a private tour of the École du Louvre. Thanks Elisabeth!

The weather wasn’t always perfect, but our experience was totally different and unique. Now I’m truly curious to visit the city in other seasons” 


Blackmagic Cinema Camera EF
Sigma 8-16mm
Canon 24-70mm
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 70-200 IS II


Arvo Pärt – Spiegel im Spiegel


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